Frequently Asked Question

Do you provide multiple pickups or drops?
Last Updated 8 years ago

Sure, we can arrange multiple pickups or drops for your itinerary.  Please let us know about all the details of your itinerary and we can make the arrangements. 

Please be aware that you will get billed Rs.150/- for every additional pickup, drop address and waypoints added to your itinerary. In addition you will be responsible for the additional kms driven beyond the included kms on your trip. 

It is required that the entire itinerary be documented in your reservation. So please let us know of your planned itinerary so that its documented and that the driver has all the information ahead of your trip start time. The quoted price will change based on multiple factors including but not limited to the itinerary, waypoints, driving terrain, local union fees, local restrictions and estimated distances to be driven.

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